Coffee and Cancer “Don’t panic, let’s get informed”

Coffee could be served soon on cups with a cancer warning in California. The Council for Education and Research on Toxics launched a suit in California on 1991 against more than 40 companies within the coffee business industry, accusing them of failing to warn consumers about carcinogens in their coffee. The lawsuit, which has been grinding on for years, alleges no matter how the coffee is brewed, it always comes with a potential carcinogen: acrylamide.
The international agency for research of cancer (IARC) started on 1968 a programme on the evaluation of the carcinogenic risk of chemicals to humans. Years later, 1980, the agenda change to elaborate series of research finding, monographs, of the data on carcinogenicity for chemicals and complex mixtures, and the probability that exposure to those elements will lead to cancer in humans. The evaluations of the data/result on those papers must be written in terms of human risk, and the indication where additional research efforts are needed.
In 1991, the IARC published its Volume 51 on Coffee, tea and Mate. The evaluation final on this document was the founded a limited evidence in humans that coffee drinking is carcinogenic in the urinary bladder. Consequently, coffee was possibly carcinogenic to the human urinate bladder (Group 2E).
In Jun 2016 the IARC changed the Coffee classification from group 2 to group 3 after new study and a meticulous reviewing of more than 1,000 studies in humans and animals, had founded inadequate/no conclusive evidence linking coffee to any cancer-causing effects- or carcinogenicity. This means that drink coffee and cancer does not have any evidence of correlation.
However, those studies results suggested that drinking very hot beverages could probably cause of esophageal cancer, and that it is the temperature rather than the drinks themselves that could potentially cause cancer.
The Specialty Coffee Association of America (SCAA) recommend for brewing coffee water a temperature to fall between 200°F ± 5°. Coffee is best served at a temperature between 130ºF and 180ºF. Most coffee drinkers appreciate the flavour and the aftertaste of the coffee when it is between 120°F and 140°F.
Also remember, there is a cold brewer and iced coffee as an alternative for all us how enjoy a cold coffee drink.

Heron Pond Farm Loves Evolution Coffee!

Find us in Vermette’s!

Vermett’s in Amesbury Mass is now selling Evolution Coffee! We are very happy to join their team. Please stop in and pick up your 1lb bag of whole bean or ground organic coffee today!

Delivering Happiness!

Yes I know its Monday, but today I delivered coffee sample bags of happiness to surrounding businesses. It feels good to see faces light up when I stroll in with a bag full of happiness! So with that said you never know where ill be delivering happiness to next …. could be near you!

The results are in!

We are very happy to announce that after months of finalizing coffee suppliers, collecting samples, cupping coffees, up all night sessions, the shakes and then some more cupping we have chosen 4 phenomenal coffees to feature!  We hope you enjoy them as much us we do, Woohoo!

El Recreo – Nicaragua

Peruvina Organic Cafe Femenino

La Rosa – Costa Rica

Kenya Nzuri AA

Diedrich Roasting Seminar

Last April, Evolution Roasters traveled to Ponderay-Idaho to the Diedrich Manufacturing Company to further our knowledge on the art of profile roasting.  The course  covered the whole life cycle of coffee, from growing and processing methods, roasting fundamentals, to thermodynamics in the roasting technique and developing a roasting profile. it was an amazing seminar filled with so much information and fun!  In the picture above is our team after a hands on training using an IR-12 Diedrich Roaster.  Our congratulations to Steve Diedrich for a well done seminar and we would recommend it to anyone who wants to learn about roasting. The Diedrich slogan “The difference is in detail” couldn’t be more spot on with theses roasters, great experience!


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