There is a lot that goes into brewing the prefect cup. If one little thing is off it can effect the end results leaving you with yucky coffee, and that is that last thing you need in the morning! So, I have put together some rules to live by for brewing the perfect coffee cup.

Rule 1:

Buy fresh beans! Coffee is best when used 14 days after being roasted. Buying from a local roaster is the best possible way to get the freshest beans. Always look for “roasted on” dates. If the roaster won’t tell you when it was roasted, you’ve got to question why. Also buy what you need, don’t over buy.

Rule 2:

Keep your coffee fresh! Always store opened coffee beans in an airtight container. NEVER EVER refrigerate your coffee. Roasted beans are porous and readily take on moisture and food odors.

Rule 3:

For best results grind your own! The best-tasting cups are made from beans ground just before brewing.

Rule 4:

Use fresh water! Unfiltered water can produce coffee with a medicinal taste due to chemicals that mask its natural flavors. Clean filtered water, results in coffee that tastes and smells just as it should.

Rule 5:

Use the right amount of coffee. This is a very important rule, and the one most people get wrong. The standard measure for brewing coffee of proper strength, is 1 to 2 level tablespoons per 6 oz cup. Nowadays, most of our coffee mugs are 8 oz cups so, I would suggest using (2) 3/4 tablespoons. You really need to play around until you find the perfect measurements for you, and stick to it!


(We are currently working on a more detailed brewing guide, with the most commonly used household brewing methods)